Effective Ways to Protect Your Fence from Pests

Effective Ways to Protect Your Fence from Pests

Effective Ways to Protect Your Fence from Pests


Fences are not only meant to keep your property secure but also to enhance its aesthetic appeal. However, pests such as rodents, termites, and carpenter ants can cause significant damage to your fence, making it lose its functionality and visual impact. That's why it's important to protect your fence from pests to ensure it lasts as long as possible. In this blog, we'll discuss the effective ways to protect your fence from pests.


1. Choose the Right Type of Wood

One effective way of preventing pests from damaging your fence is by selecting the right type of wood. Cedar and redwood are some of the best types of wood for fencing due to their natural pest repellent characteristics. They contain natural oils and resins that make them unattractive to pests. Also, using pressure-treated wood can make your fence more resistant to insects and decay.

2. Clean Your Fence Regularly

Fences that have weeds, debris, or clutter around them are more likely to attract pests like rodents and insects. Therefore, it's essential to regularly clean your fence to avoid creating a conducive environment for pests. You can use a pressure washer to clean your fence and eliminate any dirt or debris.

3. Keep a Safe Distance

Planting trees and shrubs close to your fence may make it aesthetically pleasing, but it can also attract pests. The branches of trees can provide pests with an easy pathway to reach your fence, and the roots can damage your fence's foundation. It's advisable to keep a distance of at least a foot between your fence and any plants around it.

4. Use Pest Control Products

Using organic or chemical pest control products can also help protect your fence from pests. Organic pest control methods such as essential oils, vinegar, and citrus fruits can repel insects and rodents. Chemical pesticides like pyrethroid, permethrin, and cyfluthrin can also be effective in keeping pests at bay. However, make sure to read and follow the instructions on the label to avoid any negative effects.

5. Hire a Professional Fence Company

Finally, hiring a reliable fence company can help you prevent pests from damaging your fence. A professional fence company can offer expert advice on selecting the right type of fence, preparing the site, and installing the fence properly. They can also offer regular maintenance services to keep your fence in the best condition possible.



Pests can cause significant damage to your fence, making it lose its functionality and visual appeal. However, selecting the right type of wood, regularly cleaning your fence, keeping a safe distance, using pest control products, and hiring a professional fence company can help you protect your fence from pests. Choose the best method that suits your needs and prevent pests from damaging your fence. If you're looking for reliable fence contractors in Ormand Beach, FL, contact Byers Fence today to schedule an appointment.