Ultimate Fence Building Checklist for Homeowners

Ultimate Fence Building Checklist for Homeowners

Ultimate Fence Building Checklist for Homeowners


The commitment to a new fence is a big step for any homeowner. It’s a project that can add significant value, security, and aesthetic appeal to your property. Yet, embarking on this endeavor without proper planning can lead to hiccups and headaches. To keep your fencing project on track, we've put together a comprehensive checklist that covers everything you need to know from start to finish. Whether you're looking to enhance the safety of your furry friends or seeking a bit more privacy, follow this checklist to ensure that your new fence is everything you’ve envisioned.


1. Determine the Purpose of Your Fence

The first step in building a fence is understanding why you're doing it. Are you trying to keep pets in or wildlife out? Is privacy your goal? Are you aiming for curb appeal, or is it just about marking your territory? The purpose of your fence impacts its height, material, and the intricacy of its design. It also helps with the decision-making process on what you need to do next.

2. Research Fencing Laws and Regulations

Before you dig a hole or nail a post, you need to know the rules. Your local municipality likely has zoning and property regulations that dictate the height and placement of your fence, as well as the procedures for obtaining permits. Failure to adhere to these rules could mean having to tear down your newly constructed fence and start from scratch.

3. Select Suitable Fence Materials

Wood, chain link, vinyl, aluminum, and wrought-iron are some of the most common fencing materials, each offering its own benefits and limitations. Wood is classic and versatile, while vinyl is low-maintenance. Chain link is great for pets, and wrought-iron provides an elegant look. Consider the maintenance requirements, cost, and longevity of each material before making a decision.

4. Calculate Your Budget

Fencing your property can be a sizable investment, but the cost can vary greatly depending on material, height, and the size of your lot. Be sure to factor in potential hidden costs like permitting, professional installation, and ongoing maintenance. Get multiple quotes to ensure you're getting the best value for your budget.

5. Secure Necessary Permits

Fencing typically requires a permit. Once you’ve selected your materials and planned your fence alignment, reach out to your local city or county offices to apply for any necessary permits. This process can take time, so it’s best to plan for delays and get this step done early.

6. Understand Property Lines

A crucial step that should not be overlooked is surveying your property lines. If you build your fence even an inch over your property line, it can lead to disputes with your neighbors or even legal issues down the road. Always ensure that your fence is built completely on your property.

7. Plan the Design and Layout

The design and layout of your fence should complement your home and property's natural features. Consider gate placement, the flow of traffic around your yard, and the accessibility for maintenance. Sketch out your design to include these elements and get a visual sense of how your fence will look.

8. Consult with a Professional Contractor

While some homeowners may be tempted to DIY their fence, bringing in a professional contractor can save you time and stress. A pro can advise you on the best materials for your needs, proper installation techniques, and help navigate the local regulations. They can work with you on the design and handle the entire project from start to finish.

9. Prepare Your Yard for Construction

Clear the area of debris and vegetation where the fence will be installed. This will not only make the construction process smoother and faster but can also protect plants from damage. Consider any environmental factors such as drainage and plan to mitigate any issues that could arise.

10. Address Any Utility Issues

Before digging, be sure to locate any underground utilities. Using a service provided by your local government or utility company, you can identify the presence and location of buried utility lines. This not only protects you from injury but avoids costly fines and service disruptions.

11. Acquire Tools and Supplies

If you’ve opted for a DIY approach, make sure you have all the necessary tools and supplies. Common fencing tools include posthole diggers, a level, a power auger, a sledgehammer, a tamping bar, and a come-along for tensioning.

12. Set Your Fence Posts Properly

Fence stability starts with the posts. They must be set securely and aligned perfectly to ensure that your fence is straight and strong. Post depth can vary depending on fence height and local regulations. Make sure to use concrete around the base of each post for stability.

13. Install Your Fence Sections

Following the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific materials, install the fence sections with care. Keep the posts level and the sections plumb. This is often detailed work that requires patience, but the end result is a smooth, professional-looking fence that will stand the test of time.

14. Add Finishing Touches

Depending on the type of fence you choose, finishing touches can include caps on the posts, stain for wooden fences, sealant for metals, or simple gate latches. These details may seem minor, but they can greatly enhance the appearance and functionality of your fence.

15. Regular Maintenance and Upkeep

Once your fence is up, regular maintenance is critical to keeping it in good condition. This can include cleaning, painting, or restaining. Also, periodically check for loose posts or sections that could indicate damage or wear and tear. A well-maintained fence can last for many years and will continue to add value to your property.



Building a fence is a significant project that can enhance your home and property in more ways than one. By following this comprehensive checklist, you can ensure that your fence project will be a smooth process from planning to completion. Whether you choose to tackle it yourself or enlist professional help, a well-built fence is a worthy addition to any home. If you're looking to start your fencing project, keep this checklist handy to create a beautiful and functional boundary for your home. And if you're looking for expert fence contractors in Sanford, FL, we invite you to contact Byers Fence today to begin transforming your property.